The Rough & Smooth Collie
Training Association

Committee members:

President & Therapy Dogs Rep:

Peter Simpson (peter_s7 'at' outlook. com)

Chairman, Herding, Scentwork, Man-trailing & Working Trials Rep:

Liz Beaumont (goosecreekkennels 'at' googlemail. com)


Currently Vacant

Secretary, Temperament Assessment & Mailings: 

Paula Meacham (RSCTASEC 'at' gmail. com)

Treasurer, Membership Secretary, & Versatility Scheme Co-ordinator:

Delia Moores (delia_manordeifi176 'at' btinternet. com)

Rally & Agility Reps:

Frances Holloway (fvholloway 'at' hotmail .co .uk)

Breed (Smooth) Liaison, Facebook Group Admin & Fun Day Organiser:

Abby Lusty (blamordercollies 'at' yahoo. co .uk)

Breed (Rough) Liaison:

Stefani Flower (serenlascollies 'at' gmail. com)


Char Rodgers (mischiefmaker.rebelsoul 'at' gmail. com)

***Breed League: Lee Seager (Lee.RSCTA 'at' hotmail. com)

Leagues & Webmaster:

Jean Tuck (jvtuck 'at'


About the Club

If you are a Rough or Smooth Collie owner involved, or interested, in working your Collie in Obedience, Agility or other activities then you may also be interested in The Rough and Smooth Collie Training Association. This organisation was formed in the early 1990's, initially under the name of The Working Rough and Smooth Collie Association, by a group of individuals who were united in wanting to see these Collies active in areas other than just the show ring. They wanted to see them taking part in all kinds of working activities. Eventually in 1993, the Association gained Kennel Club recognition and became a Registered Society. At the request of The Kennel Club, the name was changed to The Rough & Smooth Collie Training Association. Now the RSCTA encourages its members to work their Collies in activities such as Agility, Rally, Heelwork-to-Music, Obedience, Scentwork, Hoopers and Herding, and to have their dogs tested for The Kennel Club Good Citizen Scheme and for Character Assessment. Work as a PAT Dog, Hearing Dog for the Deaf, Dog for the Disabled, or as any other assistance dog is also encouraged. Both versatility and achievement are rewarded.

Despite its name, the RSCTA is not really a training organisation, although its activities sometimes include training. Emphasis is rather on encouragement and support. Membership is open to anyone, anywhere, as long as they agree with its aims, whether or not they currently own either of our breeds, or actually take part in the organised events - though we hope most will want to do so. All standards are welcome, from beginners to the seriously committed.

With a wide spread of Rough and Smooth Collie interest and experience within the Association, help and advice are available to members and non-members alike on anything concerning our two breeds. The Facebook group The RSCTA is also a source of information.

If you would like further details of the RSCTA please contact the Secretary (e-mail link above). Details of membership are on the Membership page.